Precious Moments

As I mentioned to Amy in her post, making us search for those precious moments among old photographs is like digging into the depths of our hearts.

That is the true essence of photography! Don’t you think?

Speaking of photographs, that day there was a lot. II Photographic Encounter, where we met several of the photographic groups of my city.
How can I not remember that trip to London? It was the last trip we made with my children, then we have not met the four on vacation.

Impossible to forget that weekend I learned to skate.

More than 40 years since I got those old skates I was always afraid to use.

As you can see I put on some modern skates and all possible protections… The fear was not gone, but I was able to manage it well.

One of the good things about travel is to come back with some anecdote to tell. We always start with this… that trip with friends to Austria, when the car left us stranded in France and we were four days unable to move from Nîmes. 😉
Many good times with these friends, sharing outings, trips, meetings… We’ve barely seen each other this year, so I hope we can get together soon.
That day we went to make a Scape Room. From the left, my little son, my brother, my eldest son, my nephew, my sister-in-law and my daughter-in-law. We had a great time!

Precious moments can be joyful and painful, both feel them at the same time. As with these latest images. My mother surrounded by her grandchildren, changing those funny hats with them so I could take their pictures. They were the hardest pictures I’ve ever had to take in my life, with my heart tight and I can’t stop smiling. My mother was very ill and we all, except the little, knew that it would not last long.

I always say that I don’t like to portray people and when I look for special moments in my images, I always find people… This makes me think…

Posted as part of Lens-Artists: Precious Moments

14 thoughts on “Precious Moments

  1. I love this photo series of your precious moments. All tell heartwarming stories. It’s so wonderful that you could learn skating years later.
    Thank you for sharing the beautiful slide of your mother surrounded by her grandchildren. Precious moments, indeed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Amy. It’s the magic of photography that allows us to relive and share those beautiful moments. 🙂


    1. At first some cultures thought that photography stole people’s souls.
      Maybe they weren’t so misguided, I don’t know if it’s stolen, but in some we left bits of soul.
      Thanks a lot, Anne. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Qué evocadora ha sido la lectura de lo que con tanta generosidad nos compartes aquí, querida tocaya.
    Ya la primera instantánea me retrotrae a una entrañable vivencia conjunta.

    Las fotos, llaves de la memoria… o como los flashback en el cine…

    A mí me gusta pensar que, aunque retraten situaciones que nos conmueven (sobre todo por las ausencias), precisamente nos confirman que tuvimos la ocasión de experimentarlas.
    Y los preciosos momentos pueden seguir iluminándonos en el camino actual.

    Salud y un cariñoso abrazo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Si, que buenos ratos pasamos en nuestros encuentros fotográficos o chocolateros… ¡Ya volverán!!!
      En un comentario anterior, decía que en algunas culturas se pensaba que la fotografía robaba el alma del retratado, yo más bien creo que es el fotógrafo el que se deja un trocito de alma en algunas imágenes, a mi me ha pasado a veces. Igual puedo hacer como Voldemort, dejar mi alma repartida entre las fotos… Uffs, creo que a él no le fue muy bien con sus Horrocruxes. 😉
      Besos (virtuales) y mis mejores deseos. ¡Cuidaros mucho!


  3. Lovely memories Ana, Digging into our hearts is indeed the true purpose of photography – as you’ve beautifully demonstrated in the images of your mother and the family. What a wonderful idea – I hope it brings you a smile now. Actually I’ve noticed I take fewer people photos than I used to. I’ve learned from the pandemic that they are the most important and will definitely change that going forward. One more benefit from an otherwise terrible time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Tina.
      I just realized that since that photo shoot with my mother, I haven’t taken the camera again at family gatherings, at most we take some images with the movil phones.


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